Ideas come and go all the time, and sometimes we just get stuck. Sometimes you’ll be sitting in front of your computer, coffee in hand, ready for the day… and nothing will come out. You think, what should I write next? What if it’s already been done? Have I finally run out of original content? The answer to the latter is: no.
Creativity and originality are forever floating around us, all you have to do is look. Sometimes it will be in the far corners of your mind, others amongst the extensive content on social media, or maybe it’s just right in front of you. Even if a story or an article has been written a hundred times before, there is always a new spin, a new outlook, a new path.
There’s no doubt that blog writing can be hard. Website blogs act as an avenue for your clients to obtain information about your business, and because of that, you want the content you’re posting to be engaging, interesting and unique. You want it to represent your brand and its image authentically. You want to be relevant, yet not redundant. It’s a very fine line. But there are ways to work around it.
In order to establish how to create killer content, we first need to understand what it looks like.
Great content:
- Is original and creative
- Is inspiring and creates action
- Is credible and reliable
- Is engaging and thought provoking
- Is opinionated and passionate
- Is concise and well written
- Is relatable
- Provides answers, rather than more questions
- Has purpose
So, with this in mind, here are some key tips on how to keep creating original content for your business’s blog.
Build Up a Bank
Lack of ideas and unoriginality can stem from an absence of planning. That’s why it’s great to brainstorm ideas and collect a list of them to look back on when needed. One idea can turn into another and another, and before you know it you have ten great topics for your next blog. Brainstorming not only gives you the ability to plan your articles ahead, but also provides time for you to improve upon their quality. When content is rushed, you can often skip over the most important points or articulate something inaccurately. However, with a bank to fall back on, you are more likely to produce stronger and more authentic articles for your clients to enjoy.
Researching is a key way to come up with new content! It gives you the opportunity to expand your horizons and discover things you may not have initially thought of. Learning about the trends and relevant news circulating your industry, and finding out what your competitors are writing, will give you a deeper insight into what your audience wants to read. A competitor’s article may inspire you to spin particular topics so that they suite your business’s image and style. Remember that researching isn’t stealing, it’s reimaging.
Think Like a Client
Have you ever gone onto a business’s website looking for particular information and not found it? I know I have. Think about the content your clients may be looking for and adapt a blog around it. Also note the questions you receive from clients. If one person is asking, then there are sure to be other people who are wondering the same thing.
Try not to overcomplicate it; sometimes less is more when it comes to blogs. Most of the time clients are wanting a quick and easy answer to solve their problems, so don’t underestimate simplicity.
Rebrand Existing Content
Just because you’ve already written about a topic doesn’t mean you can’t re-write it. Growth and change happen on a daily basis throughout the world, so it makes sense for opinions and angles on particular topics to alter too.
If you have an article that feels outdated and is no longer garnering traffic, why not rebrand it? General information and knowledge will forever be important to a consumer wishing to know more about a business. Take web wesign for instance. Clients will always go looking for why web design is important, how to create a good website, and tips on how to make your website popular. Rebranding a blog to suite your client’s needs will ensure that you are keeping up to date with recent trends and are constantly finding new ways to adapt information.
And don’t be afraid to go niche. Perhaps you’ve written an article on what the current trends in digital marketing are in 2020, why not go deeper into what those trends look like in the Creative Arts Industry or Hospitality?
Pick Someone Else’s Brain
Especially when you’ve been in a business for so long, it can be hard to extend your focus elsewhere. This is where a second mind can come in handy. Everyone has their own personal experiences and interests to contribute and, therefore, ideas. Whether it’s a fellow employee or even a guest blogger, having more opinions and ideas at your disposal will help to strengthen the quality and originality of your blog. You may also find that it helps you escape the parameters you have boxed yourself into.
There are so many factors that go into blog writing for a business that it’s hard to keep track. There will always be days that just don’t work, no matter how experienced you are. But instead of fighting them, learn to embrace them, know how to work around them and become re-inspired.
If you have any questions about improving your website’s content don’t hesitate to get in contact.